define(‘FILEMANAGERURL’, ‘http://full-install-url-of-modernpos/storage/products’);Continue reading
Join 2,000,000+ Professionals who use WPCode to Future-Proof Their Websites!
define(‘FILEMANAGERURL’, ‘http://full-install-url-of-modernpos/storage/products’);Continue reading
Your Name: Your Email: Meeting Date:Continue reading
// Define the API URL const apiUrl = ‘’; // Make a GET request fetch(apiUrl) .then(response => { if (!response.ok) { throw new Error(‘Network response was not ok’); } return response.json(); }) .then(data => { console.log(data); }) .catch(error => {…Continue reading
// Define the API URL const apiUrl = ‘’; // Make a GET request fetch(apiUrl) .then(response => { if (!response.ok) { throw new Error(‘Network response was not ok’); } return response.json(); }) .then(data => { console.log(data); }) .catch(error => {…Continue reading
document.addEventListener(‘om.Campaign.load’, function(event) { console.log(event.detail); } );Continue reading
function mepr_fallback_failed_txn( $txn ) { MeprGroupsCtrl::create_fallback( $txn ); } add_action( ‘mepr-txn-status-failed’, ‘mepr_fallback_failed_txn’ );Continue reading
function mepr_delete_expired_txns() { $subscriptions = MeprSubscription::get_all(); if( is_array( $subscriptions ) && !empty( $subscriptions ) ) { foreach( $subscriptions as $subscription ) { $subscription = new MeprSubscription( $subscription->id ); if( $subscription->is_cancelled() && $subscription->is_expired() ) { $subscription->destroy(); } } } } add_action(…Continue reading
;(() => { const accordionItems = document.querySelectorAll(“.wp-block-aioseo-faq”); if (!accordionItems.length) { return; } accordionItems.forEach((item) => { const itemSummary = item.querySelector(“.aioseo-faq-block-question”); const itemContent = item.querySelector(“.aioseo-faq-block-answer”); itemSummary?.addEventListener(“click”, () => { itemContent?.style.setProperty( “–content-height”, `${itemContent.scrollHeight}px` ); item.classList.toggle(“is-open”); }); }); const faqStyles = ` .wp-block-aioseo-faq {…Continue reading
google20ec315e3dcb494d.htmlContinue reading