Customize Action Scheduler Retention Period

/* Customize the Action Scheduler Retention Period * * Original doc: */ function custom_as_retention_period() { // Changes default 30-day retention to 7-days return WEEK_IN_SECONDS; } add_filter( ‘action_scheduler_retention_period’, ‘custom_as_retention_period’ );Continue reading


[wpgetapi_endpoint api_id=’HomeToGo’ endpoint_id=’HTG’ debug=’false’]Continue reading

Change Text For Minimum Donation Message

/* * */ function change_min_donation_text( $text, $amount ) { return ‘ ‘ . __( ‘The minimum donation for this campaign is ‘, ‘charitable’ ) . charitable_format_money( $amount, false, true ) . ‘. ‘; } add_filter( ‘charitable_donationa_amount_notice’, ‘change_min_donation_text’, 10, 2 );Continue reading