Archives: Snippets
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MemberPress: Display Custom Field Value Instead of Customer Name in PDF invoice
function mepr_change_invoice_bill_to( $invoice, $txn ) { $user = $txn->user(); // Get company custom field. // Replace ‘mepr_company_name’ with the custom field slug. $company = get_user_meta( $user->ID, ‘mepr_company_name’, true ); // Return company name if not empty $name = ( !empty(…Continue reading
MemberPress: Extend Grace Period for Renewals
function mepr_extend_renewal_grace_days( $days ) { return 1; } add_filter( ‘mepr-grace-expire-days’, ‘mepr_extend_renewal_grace_days’ );Continue reading
G-T2XZDKK0J5Continue reading
G-T2XZDKK0J5Continue reading