if ( ! function_exists( ‘cmx65_contacts’ ) ) : function cmx65_contacts( $contactmethods ) { $contactmethods[‘cmx65_facebook’] = __( ‘Facebook’ ); $contactmethods[‘cmx65_instagram’] = __( ‘Instagram’ ); $contactmethods[‘cmx65_twitter’] = __( ‘Twitter’ ); return $contactmethods; } add_filter(‘user_contactmethods’,’cmx65_contacts’, 10, 1); endif;Continue reading
function affwp_custom_set_role_on_registration( $affiliate_id = 0 ) { $user_id = affwp_get_affiliate_user_id( $affiliate_id ); $user = new WP_User( $user_id ); $user->add_role( ‘affiliate’ ); } add_action( ‘affwp_insert_affiliate’, ‘affwp_custom_set_role_on_registration’ );Continue reading
// [current_user_display_name] function display_current_user_display_name () { $user = wp_get_current_user(); $display_name = $user->display_name; return $user->display_name; } add_shortcode(‘current_user_display_name’, ‘display_current_user_display_name’);Continue reading
// Please edit the address and name below before activating this snippet. // Change the From address. add_filter( ‘[email protected]’; function ( $original_email_address ) { return; } ); // Change the From name. add_filter( ‘allowmetoshare’; function ( $original_email_from ) { return;…Continue reading
// Please edit the address and name below before activating this snippet. // Change the From address. add_filter( ‘[email protected]’; function ( $original_email_address ) { return; } ); // Change the From name. add_filter( ‘allowmetoshare’; function ( $original_email_from ) { return;…Continue reading