WP Simple Pay: Add Yes and No Values to Checkbox

add_filter( ‘simpay_get_paymentintent_args_from_payment_form_request’, function( $args ) { $args[‘metadata’] = array_map( function( $value ) { // If the value is `on` or `off`, change it. Otherwise return the normal value. if ( ‘off’ === $value ) { return ‘No’; } else if…Continue reading

Remove Unwanted Events | Display Eventbrite Events

add_filter( ‘wfea_api_results’, function ( $events ) { // remove a specific organiser id $organiser_id = 123456789; $events = array_filter( $events, function ( $event ) use ( $organiser_id ) { return $event->organizer->id != $organiser_id; } ); return $events; }, 1000, 1…Continue reading