Remove Author Links

// Remove the author link from bio. add_filter( ‘wpex_post_author_bio_data’, function( $data ) { unset( $data[‘posts_url’] ); return $data; } ); // Remove the author link from code functions which display in post meta. add_filter( ‘the_author_posts_link’, function( $link ) { if…Continue reading

Show Left Sidebar Before Content on Mobile

add_action( ‘init’, function() { if ( function_exists( ‘wpex_content_area_layout’ ) && ‘left-sidebar’ === wpex_content_area_layout() ) { remove_action( ‘wpex_hook_primary_after’, ‘wpex_get_sidebar_template’ ); add_action( ‘wpex_hook_primary_before’, ‘wpex_get_sidebar_template’ ); } } );Continue reading

Move WooCommerce Category Description Below Products

add_action( ‘init’, function() { // Disable subheading on product cats add_filter( ‘totaltheme/page/header/has_subheading’, function( $check ) { if ( is_tax( ‘product_cat’ ) ) { $check = false; } return $check; } ); // Display description below loop add_action( ‘wpex_hook_content_bottom’, function( $bool…Continue reading

Save entry without authoring user ID

add_filter(‘frm_pre_create_entry’, ‘save_entry_without_userID’); function save_entry_without_userID( $values ) { $target_form_id = 239; //Replace 239 with your form ID if ( $target_form_id === (int) $values[‘form_id’] ) { $values[‘frm_user_id’] = 0; } return $values; }Continue reading

Add US Bank Account

add_filter(‘frm_stripe_payment_method_types’, ‘add_us_bank_account’); function add_us_bank_account( $payment_method_types ) { $payment_method_types = array( ‘card’, ‘link’, ‘us_bank_account’ ); return $payment_method_types; }Continue reading

Add Euro payments

add_filter(‘frm_stripe_payment_method_types’, ‘add_sofort_ideal_bancontact’); function add_sofort_ideal_bancontact( $payment_method_types ) { $payment_method_types = array( ‘sofort’, ‘ideal’, ‘bancontact’ ); return $payment_method_types; }Continue reading

Add WeChat Pay

add_filter(‘frm_stripe_payment_method_types’, ‘add_wechat_pay’, 10, 2); function add_wechat_pay( $payment_method_types, $args ) { $form_id = $args[‘form_id’]; $target_form_id = 5; // Change 5 to the ID of your form if ( $target_form_id === $form_id ) { $payment_method_types[] = ‘wechat_pay’; } return $payment_method_types; }Continue reading

Add form HTML in Outcome Quiz

add_filter(‘frm_main_feedback’, ‘add_form_outcome_quiz’ , 11, 3); function add_form_quiz_result( $message, $form, $entry_id ) { $target_form_id = 435; //Replace 435 with the ID of the form with the outcome quiz if ( $target_form_id !== (int) $form->id ) { return $message; } $form_id_by_result =…Continue reading