Change rating tooltip colors

/* change #000 in both places below to change the background, change #FFF to change the text color, change #F7D578 to change the link color */ .tasty-recipes-static-tooltip { background-color:#000 !important; color:#FFF !important; } .tasty-recipes-static-tooltip:after { border-top-color:#000 !important; } a.tasty-recipes-scrollto {…Continue reading

Override strings

add_filter( ‘gettext’, function ( $translated_text, $text, $domain ) { if ( $text == ‘Birthday (optional)’ ) { $translated_text = __( ‘Birthday’, ‘rug’ ); } return $translated_text; }, 20, 3 );Continue reading

Add custom class to body

add_filter( ‘body_class’, function ( $classes ) { global $post; if ( is_front_page() || is_page( [64, 78, 532, 533, 76] ) || $post->post_parent == 64 || is_singular( ‘product’ ) || is_post_type_archive( ‘product’ ) ) { $classes[] = ‘header-button-blue’; } if (…Continue reading