Change the responsive breakpoint

add_filter(‘frm_surveys_likert_responsive_breakpoint’, ‘change_likert_responsive_breakpoint’, 10, 2); function change_likert_responsive_breakpoint( $min_width, $args ) { $field_id = is_object( $args[‘field’] ) ? $args[‘field’]->id : $args[‘field’][‘id’]; if ( 728 == $field_id ) { // Change 728 to the Likert field ID. Remove this check if you want…Continue reading

Basic example

add_action(‘frm_after_destroy_entry’, ‘my_custom_function’, 10, 2); function my_custom_function( $entry_id, $entry ) { $target_form_id = 29; // change 29 to your form ID. if ( $target_form_id !== (int) $entry->form_id ) { return; } // Handle deleted entry for target form. }Continue reading

Basic example

add_action( ‘frm_export_view_options_saved’, ‘after_export_view_options_saved’ ); function after_export_view_options_saved( $settings ) { // Do something after export view options have been saved. }Continue reading

Extend logging

add_filter(‘frm_logs_cron_remains’, ‘logs_cron_remains_extend’); function logs_cron_remains_extend() { return ‘-1 month’; }Continue reading

Add additional autocomplete options

/** * @param array $options * @param array $field */ function add_custom_autocomplete_option_for_field( $options, $field ) { $target_field_id = 13; // change 13 to your text field ID if ( $target_field_id !== (int) $field[‘id’] ) { return $options; } $options[‘cc-name’] =…Continue reading

Include only draft entries

add_filter( ‘frm_dynamic_field_include_drafts’, ‘dynamic_include_draft_entries’ ); function dynamic_include_draft_entries( $include ) { return ‘drafts_only’; // Or return FrmProDynamicFieldsController::DRAFTS_ONLY; }Continue reading