Hide legend in geo chart

add_filter(‘frm_google_chart’, ‘frm_legend_geo_graph’, 10, 2); function frm_legend_geo_graph( $options, $args ) { $options[‘legend’] = ‘none’; return $options; }Continue reading

Include padding settings

// Add the padding setting in the field. add_action( ‘frm_field_options’, ‘my_custom_function’ ); function my_custom_function( $args ) { $field = $args[‘field’]; $is_text_input = FrmField::is_field_type( $field, ‘text’ ); // replace ‘text’ with the type of the field you need to evaluate –…Continue reading

Check for a match without including IP

add_filter( ‘frm_duplicate_check_val’, ‘my_custom_function’ ); function my_custom_function( $check_val ) { if ( 123 === (int) $check_val[‘form_id’] ) { //replace 123 with the id of the form you need to catch unset( $check_val[‘ip’] ); } return $check_val; }Continue reading

Close forms on the weekend

add_action( ‘frm_display_form_action’, ‘frm_close_form_on_weekends’, 8, 3 ); function frm_close_form_on_weekends( $params, $fields, $form ) { remove_filter( ‘frm_continue_to_new’, ‘__return_false’, 50 ); if ( in_array( $form->id, array( 214, 216, 217 ) ) && ! is_admin() ) { //replace 214, 216, 217 with the ids…Continue reading

Add custom CSS class to each option

add_filter( ‘frm_images_dropdown_option_classes’, ‘add_css_class_image_dropdown’, 10, 2); function add_css_class_image_dropdown( $classes, $args ) { $classes .= ‘ your-custom-class’; return $classes; }Continue reading

Open forms on certain days and times

add_action( ‘frm_display_form_action’, ‘frm_open_hours_and_days’, 8, 3 ); function frm_open_hours_and_days( $params, $fields, $form ) { remove_filter( ‘frm_continue_to_new’, ‘__return_false’, 50 ); if ( ! in_array( $form->id, array( 214, 216, 217 ) ) || is_admin() ) { //replace 214, 216, 217 with the ids…Continue reading

Adjust temporary files deletion period

add_filter(‘frm_delete_temp_files_period’, ‘adjust_temp_files_deletion_period’); function adjust_temp_files_deletion_period( $period ) { // default is -3 hours return ‘-30 minutes’; // minimum life span of a file }Continue reading

converts a specific meta key to an integer

add_filter( ‘rest_prepare_frm_entries’, ‘my_custom_function’ ); function my_custom_function( $response ) { $meta_key = ‘5a4m0’; // change this to the meta key that needs to be converted to an integer. if ( isset( $response->data ) && ! empty( $response->data[‘meta’] ) && isset( $response->data[‘meta’][…Continue reading

Exclude fields by id

add_filter( ‘frm_quiz_score_field’, ‘exclude_fields_from_quiz_score’, 10, 2 ); function exclude_fields_from_quiz_score( $count_field, $args ) { $fields_to_exclude = array( 2504, 2505, 2506 ); // List the ids of the fields you want to exclude from the quiz score. if ( in_array( $args[‘field’]->id, $fields_to_exclude )…Continue reading