Beecee – My coach WpdataTables (SC_Coach_wpdatatable)

function FN_Coach_wpdatatable ( $atts ) { // Initialize user_id to empty $user_id = ”; // Get the user ID from dropdown list post form if (isset($_POST[‘action’]) && $_POST[‘action’] === ‘Beecee_GroupLeader_user_do’) { $user_id = intval($_POST[‘user-id’]); } // Check if $user_id is…Continue reading

Export Categories and Tags

function export_tags_and_categories() { $terms = get_terms( array( ‘category’, ‘post_tag’ ), array( ‘hide_empty’ => false ) ); $output = fopen( ‘php://output’, ‘w’ ); fputcsv( $output, array( ‘Term ID’, ‘Name’, ‘Slug’, ‘Description’, ‘Taxonomy’ ) ); foreach ( $terms as $term ) {…Continue reading

Beecee – Disables selected fields in WP Admin

// disable non admin editing of school profile field // h/t add_action(‘admin_init’, ‘wordplace_user_profile_fields_disable’); function wordplace_user_profile_fields_disable() { global $pagenow; // apply only to user profile or user edit pages if ($pagenow!==’profile.php’ && $pagenow!==’user-edit.php’) { return; } // do not change…Continue reading