Completely Disable Comments (copy)

add_action(‘admin_init’, function () { // Redirect any user trying to access comments page global $pagenow; if ($pagenow === ‘edit-comments.php’) { wp_safe_redirect(admin_url()); exit; } // Remove comments metabox from dashboard remove_meta_box(‘dashboard_recent_comments’, ‘dashboard’, ‘normal’); // Disable support for comments and trackbacks in…Continue reading

Add Envira Gallery Thumbnail Sizes

add_action(‘init’, function(){ add_theme_support(‘post-thumbnails’); add_image_size( ‘envira-gallery-thumbnail’, 75, 50, true ); }); add_filter(‘image_size_names_choose’, function($size_names){ $new_sizes = [ ‘envira-gallery-thumbnail’ => ‘Envira Gallery Thumbnail’ ]; return array_merge($size_names, $new_sizes); });Continue reading

Disable Embeds (copy)

/** * Disable all embeds in WordPress. */ add_action( ‘init’, function () { // Remove the REST API endpoint. remove_action( ‘rest_api_init’, ‘wp_oembed_register_route’ ); // Turn off oEmbed auto discovery. add_filter( ’embed_oembed_discover’, ‘__return_false’ ); // Don’t filter oEmbed results. remove_filter( ‘oembed_dataparse’,…Continue reading

Change TikTok purchase Event

add_filter(‘wpcode_pixel_event_name_tiktok’, function( $event_name, $event_key) { // Let’s send CompletePayment instead of PlaceAnOrder for purchase. if ( ‘purchase’ === $event_key ) { return ‘CompletePayment’; } return $event_name; }, 10, 2 );Continue reading

Change TikTok purchase Event

add_filter(‘wpcode_pixel_event_name_tiktok’, function( $event_name, $event_key) { if ( ‘purchase’ === $event_key ) { return ‘CompletePayment’; } return $event_name; }, 10, 2 );Continue reading

Add a dashboard widget to display users who have ‘News Feed’ enabled.

function custom_add_dashboard_widgets() { wp_add_dashboard_widget( ‘custom_news_feed_users_widget’, ‘News Feed Enabled Users’, ‘custom_display_news_feed_users’ ); } add_action(‘wp_dashboard_setup’, ‘custom_add_dashboard_widgets’); function custom_display_news_feed_users() { $user_query = new WP_User_Query(array( ‘meta_key’ => ‘iframe_toggle’, ‘meta_value’ => ‘1’ )); $users = $user_query->get_results(); $user_count = count($users); echo ‘ ‘; echo ‘ ‘;…Continue reading