CSS – WpForms

/* WpForms – Display option for Non Table View */ .fields_forms { line-height = normal; margin-bottom = 2px; margin-block-end = 2px: background-color = #03fc20 !important; } .fields_forms .label { font-weight: bold; margin-bottom = 2px; font-size = 80%; } .fields_forms .value…Continue reading

structured snippet

{ “@context”: “https://schema.org”, “@type”: “LocalBusiness”, “name”: “Hack Your Course AP and IB Tutoring Service”, “url”: “https://www.hackyourcourse.com/”, “image”: “https://www.hackyourcourse.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/LOGO-LAST-CROPPED-e1676840991682.webp”, “additionalType”: { “@type”: “WebPage”, “name”: “IB and AP Math and Science Sources”, “url”: “https://www.hackyourcourse.com/ib-ap-math-science-resources/” }, “address”: [ { “@type”: “PostalAddress”, “streetAddress”: “5608…Continue reading

Untitled Snippet

var soma1 = document.getElementById(‘soma1’); var soma2 = document.getElementById(‘soma2’); var btn = document.getElementById(‘btn’); var result = document.getElementById(‘resultado’); btn.addEventListener(‘click’, function(){ somatotal(); }); function somatotal(){ var soma1Val = parseInt(soma1.value); var soma2Val = parseInt(soma2.value); var soma = soma1Val + soma2Val; document.getElementById(‘resultado’).value = soma; }Continue reading