NextGEN Pro Ecommerce – Move the “Digital Downloads” items to the top of the list in the ecommerce sidebar.

jQuery(document).ready(function() { function executeJS() { jQuery(document).ready(function($) { var $h3 = $(‘#ngg_category_digital_downloads’).prev(‘h3’); var $targetElement = $(‘#ngg_category_digital_downloads’); var $newContainer = $(‘ ‘).append($h3).append($targetElement); $(‘.nggpl-pricelist_category_wrapper’).prepend($newContainer); }); } jQuery(document).on(‘ajaxComplete’, function(event, xhr, settings) { if (settings.url.indexOf(‘GetSidebarData’) !== -1) { executeJS(); } }); if (jQuery(‘#npl_wrapper’).hasClass(‘npl-sidebar-open’)) { executeJS();…Continue reading

NextGEN Pro [Ecommerce] Hide the empty cart (both WooCommerce’s and NextGEN”s)

function hideElements() { const noItemsElements = document.querySelectorAll(‘#ngg_pro_no_items’); noItemsElements.forEach((noItems) => { const proCheckout = noItems.closest(‘#ngg_pro_checkout’); if (proCheckout) { = ‘none’; } }); const cartEmptyMessages = document.querySelectorAll(‘.wc-empty-cart-message’); cartEmptyMessages.forEach((message) => { const parent = message.closest(‘.woocommerce’); if (parent) { = ‘none’; }…Continue reading

NextGEN Pro [Ecommerce] – Hide the extra “Add to cart” button when selling DIgital Download items only.

jQuery(document).ready(function() { function executeJS() { if (jQuery(‘#ngg_category_digital_downloads_header’).length > 0 && jQuery(‘#ngg_category_digital_downloads_header’).parent().siblings(‘h3’).length === 0) { jQuery(‘#ngg_update_cart_btn’).hide(); }} jQuery(document).on(‘ajaxComplete’, function(event, xhr, settings) { if (settings.url.indexOf(‘GetSidebarData’) !== -1) { executeJS(); // Execute the JS snippet when the XHR is completed } }); if…Continue reading

Envira – hide the browser’s tooltips while hovering over images

var $j = jQuery.noConflict(); $j(document).ready(function() { $j(“.envira-gallery-item a img”).mouseenter(function() { var title = $j(this).attr(“title”); $j(this).attr(“save_title”, title); $j(this).attr(“title”, “”); }) .mouseleave(function() { var title = $j(this).attr(“save_title”); $j(this).attr(“title”, title); }) .click(function() { var title = $j(this).attr(“save_title”); $j(this).attr(“title”, title); }); });Continue reading

CSS fix for Envira lightbox small image size in landscape mode

@media only screen and (orientation: landscape) { .envirabox-slide .envirabox-image-wrap{ width: auto !important; height: calc(100vh – 20px) !important; transform: translate(calc(100vh – 20px), 10px) !important; } .envirabox-image, .envirabox-spaceball{ width: auto !important; height: 350px !important; }}Continue reading