MemberPress: Change Membership Registration URL

function mepr_change_membership_urls( $url, $product, $args, $modify_if_https ) { $url_changed = false; switch( $product->ID ) { case ‘123’: //Change 123 to membership id where you can get it from ID column from Membership table $url = MeprUtils::get_permalink( 456 ).$args; //Change 456…Continue reading

MemberPress: Add/Override State Drop Down Values

function mepr_change_state_dropdown_values ( $states ) { $sfiles = @glob( WP_PLUGIN_DIR . ‘/mepr-i18n/states/[A-Z][A-Z].php’, GLOB_NOSORT ); foreach( $sfiles as $sfile ) { require( $sfile ); } return $states; } add_filter( ‘mepr_states’, ‘mepr_change_state_dropdown_values’ );Continue reading

MemberPress: Set the order of payment methods

function mepr_rearrange_payment_methods( $payment_methods, $key ) { //Modify the order of the payment methods below according to your needs. You can also remove non needed payment methods $order = array( “PayPal Standard”, “Stripe”, “ Profile”, “Offline Payment”, ); $pm_map = array();…Continue reading

MemberPress: Mailchimp Feed Unblocker

function allow_mc_through( $block, $post, $uri ) { if( isset( $_GET[‘allow_mailchimp’] ) ) { $block = false; } return $block; } add_filter( ‘mepr-pre-run-rule-content’, ‘allow_mc_through’, 11, 3 );Continue reading

MemberPress: Manually Refresh Member Data

/** * Manually refresh all members’ data. * * Once this snippet is added, visit /wp-admin/?update-member-data=true on your site to update all member data. * After running the update, clear any site cache and check the Members page again. */…Continue reading