JS [Paid Member Subscriptions & Profile Builder]: Display State Field Before Country Field on Billing Form

document.addEventListener(‘DOMContentLoaded’, function() { var stateField = document.querySelector(‘.pms-billing-state’); var countryField = document.querySelector(‘.pms-billing-country’); var stateLabel = document.querySelector(‘label[for=”pms_billing_state”]’); if (stateField && countryField) { // Insert the stateField before the countryField countryField.parentNode.insertBefore(stateField, countryField); stateLabel.classList.add(“billing_state_style”); } });Continue reading

JS [Paid Member Subscriptions & Profile Builder]: Display State Field Before Country Field on Billing Form

document.addEventListener(‘DOMContentLoaded’, function() { var stateField = document.querySelector(‘.pms-billing-state’); var countryField = document.querySelector(‘.pms-billing-country’); var stateLabel = document.querySelector(‘label[for=”pms_billing_state”]’); if (stateField && countryField) { // Insert the stateField before the countryField countryField.parentNode.insertBefore(stateField, countryField); stateLabel.classList.add(“billing_state_style”); } });Continue reading

JS [Paid Member Subscriptions & Profile Builder]: Display State Field Before Country Field on Billing Form

document.addEventListener(‘DOMContentLoaded’, function() { var stateField = document.querySelector(‘.pms-billing-state’); var countryField = document.querySelector(‘.pms-billing-country’); var stateLabel = document.querySelector(‘label[for=”pms_billing_state”]’); if (stateField && countryField) { // Insert the stateField before the countryField countryField.parentNode.insertBefore(stateField, countryField); stateLabel.classList.add(“billing_state_style”); } });Continue reading

JS [Paid Member Subscriptions & Profile Builder]: Display State Field Before Country Field on Billing Form

document.addEventListener(‘DOMContentLoaded’, function() { var stateField = document.querySelector(‘.pms-billing-state’); var countryField = document.querySelector(‘.pms-billing-country’); var stateLabel = document.querySelector(‘label[for=”pms_billing_state”]’); if (stateField && countryField) { // Insert the stateField before the countryField countryField.parentNode.insertBefore(stateField, countryField); stateLabel.classList.add(“billing_state_style”); } });Continue reading

Add Cards and Paypal images on checkout page

document.addEventListener(“DOMContentLoaded”, function() { var creditCardOption = document.querySelector(‘input[type=”radio”][value=”stripe”] + a’); var paypalOption = document.querySelector(‘input[type=”radio”][value=”paypalexpress”] + a’); if(creditCardOption) { var creditCardText = creditCardOption.innerText; creditCardOption.innerText = “”; // Clear the text content var container = document.createElement(“div”); // Create a container container.style.display = “block”;…Continue reading

Check for duplicate names 3 – javasrcipt

jQuery(document).ready(function($) { $(‘#duplicateNamesContainer’).on(‘click’, ‘.duplicate-name’, function(e) { e.preventDefault(); // Prevent default anchor behavior var firstName = $(this).data(‘firstname’); var lastName = $(this).data(‘lastname’); // Ensure the admin URL is correctly prefixed for your WordPress installation var adminUrl = ‘‘; // Construct the search…Continue reading

Radio Show Header Cover Update JS

// Get Showdata from Session Storage function loadShowDataFirst() { // Get Json Show Data let json = sessionStorage.getItem(“currentshowData”); // Get Showdata from Session Storage let obj = JSON.parse(json); console.log = obj.coverURL; // Accessing Header Objects Meta Data document.getElementById(“currentRadioShow”).src = RadioShowImg;…Continue reading