Adds Klaviyo form to footer

jQuery( document ).ready(() => { let p_element = jQuery( “p:contains(‘At Terra Health Essentials, we believe that prevention is key and are committed to empowering people to take control of their health by educating them about optimal gut function and improving…Continue reading

Frontend – Remove WooCommerce Mini Cart

const removeWCMC = () => { let current_url = window.location.href.toLowerCase(); if ( !current_url.includes( “/checkout” ) ) { return; } let mini_cart = jQuery( “.woocommerce-mini-cart” ); if ( mini_cart.length == 0 ) { return; } let inner_container = mini_cart.closest( “.gm-inner” );…Continue reading

Quiz Button

(function(w, d, s, o){ var j = d.createElement(s); j.async = true; j.src = ‘//’;j.onload = function() { if (document.readyState !== ‘loading’) Marquiz.init(o); else document.addEventListener(“DOMContentLoaded”, function() { Marquiz.init(o); }); }; d.head.insertBefore(j, d.head.firstElementChild); })(window, document, ‘script’, { host: ‘//’, region: ‘us’, id:…Continue reading

Untitled Snippet

function decodeSerial() { let serial = document.getElementById(“serialNumberInput”).value; let vserial = serial.replace(/\s/g, ”); let vserialtype = “”; let vyear = “”; let vmonth = “”; let vampmonth = “”; let vtype = “”; let vstyle = “”; let vweek = “”;…Continue reading

JS [Category Posts]: Remove Vendor Query Loop Based on Post Location if Empty

document.addEventListener(‘DOMContentLoaded’, (event) => { // Check if there’s a div with the class ‘wpgb-card-wrapper’ and “Sorry, no content found” text const cardWrapper = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(‘.wpgb-card-wrapper’)).find(div => div.textContent.trim() === “Sorry, no content found.”); // If the div is found, remove the element…Continue reading