Set Header Menu as “Custom”
add_filter( ‘totaltheme/header/menu/is_custom’, ‘__return_true’ );Continue reading
Join 2,000,000+ Professionals who use WPCode to Future-Proof Their Websites!
add_filter( ‘totaltheme/header/menu/is_custom’, ‘__return_true’ );Continue reading
add_filter( ‘totaltheme/topbar/social/link_attributes’, function( $attrs ) { $attrs[‘rel’] = ‘nofollow’; return $attrs; } );Continue reading
add_filter( ‘totaltheme/header/logo’, function( $output ) { return ‘‘; } );Continue reading
add_filter( ‘totaltheme/theme-builder/template_post_types’, function( array $types ): array { $types[‘templatera’] = ‘Templatera’; return $types; } );Continue reading
add_filter( ‘totaltheme/page/header/has_title’, ‘__return_false’ );Continue reading
// Remove the author link from bio. add_filter( ‘wpex_post_author_bio_data’, function( $data ) { unset( $data[‘posts_url’] ); return $data; } ); // Remove the author link from code functions which display in post meta. add_filter( ‘the_author_posts_link’, function( $link ) { if…Continue reading
add_action( ‘init’, function() { if ( function_exists( ‘wpex_content_area_layout’ ) && ‘left-sidebar’ === wpex_content_area_layout() ) { remove_action( ‘wpex_hook_primary_after’, ‘wpex_get_sidebar_template’ ); add_action( ‘wpex_hook_primary_before’, ‘wpex_get_sidebar_template’ ); } } );Continue reading
add_filter( ‘wpex_nex_prev_reverse’, ‘__return_true’ );Continue reading
add_filter( ‘wpex_social_share_data_email_body’, function( $body ) { return ‘My custom email body text’; } );Continue reading
add_filter( ‘wpex_social_share_data_email_subject’, function() { return ‘My custom subject’; } );Continue reading