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Include Pending Donors

By default, the Donors widget & shortcode will only include donors with Paid donations. With this snippet, you can make sure that donors with Pending donations are also included.

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 * By default, the Donors widget & shortcode will only include donors with
 * Paid donations. With this snippet, you can make sure that
 * donors with Pending donations are also included.
function ed_include_pending_donors_in_donors_widget_shortcode( $query_args ) {
	$query_args['status'] = [ 'charitable-pending', 'charitable-completed', 'charitable-preapproved' ];
	return $query_args;
add_filter( 'charitable_donors_widget_donor_query_args', 'ed_include_pending_donors_in_donors_widget_shortcode' );
add_filter( 'charitable_donors_shortcode_donor_query_args', 'ed_include_pending_donors_in_donors_widget_shortcode' );


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