143 Snippets
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Add Donate Button

Template code to display a particular campaign's button.

Add A Default Campaign Custom Amount

Return a "default" amount if there isn't one isn't set in the session. Read all notes…

Custom Registration Fields

Add fields to the registration form.

Redirect To Referer After Login

After a user logs in, redirect them back to the page they were on right before…

Collect National Id Number

Add a field that collects the donor's national ID number, or any other text field.

Add Accept Terms Field

Add a Terms and Conditions donation field, showing whether the donor accepted terms and conditions when…

Add Select Field To Donation Form

Add a select field to the donation form.

Change / Translate Plugin Text

This is a local translation snippet that should work for any phrases in Charitable and Charitable…

Add Campaign Progress Bar Shortcode

Add a new shortcode to display the progress bar for a particular campaign.

Remove Login Form

Remove the login prompt from being displayed before the donation form.

Add Checkbox Field To Donation Form

Collect a checkbox field in the donation form.

Add User Dashboard Menu

Include the User Dashboard menu at the top of all pages that are included in the…

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