148 Snippets
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Add Textbox To Donation Form

Adds a textbox to a donation form - for example, to collect a referral code.

Add Donation Form Shortcode

Display a specific campaign's donation form using a shortcode.

Redirect To Referer After Login

After a user logs in, redirect them back to the page they were on right before…

Change / Translate Plugin Text

This is a local translation snippet that should work for any phrases in Charitable and Charitable…

Custom Receipt Page

Redirect to custom receipt or another page after a donation is completed. Can be per campaign…

Add Featured Image

Add a featured image to the individual campaign pages.

Set WP Login Url To Charitable Login Page

Always use the Charitable login page as the login.

Enable Block Editor For Campaigns

Code that will modify the way the Campaign post type is set up to so that…

Add User Dashboard Menu

Include the User Dashboard menu at the top of all pages that are included in the…

Collect National Id Number

Add a field that collects the donor's national ID number, or any other text field.

Register New Donation Field

Adding a new field (in this example it is a National ID Number). Explains all the…

Add Campaign Link

Add a link back to the campaign from the donation receipt.

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