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Remove Donation Form Fields

This example shows how to remove fields from the donation form.

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 * This example shows how to remove fields from the donation form.
 * Note that this approach requires Charitable 1.6 or above. 
    function() {
        $fields_api = charitable()->donation_fields();
         * In this example, we remove the last name field. But you can
         * easily modify this example to remove any other fields by swapping
         * 'last_name' for the key of the field you would like to remove.
         * first_name
         * last_name
         * email
         * address
         * address_2
         * city
         * state
         * postcode
         * country
         * phone
		 * anonymous_donation - If using Anonymous Donations.
		 * donor_comment - If using Donor Comments.
        $fields_api->get_field( 'last_name' )->set( 'donation_form', '', false );


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