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Make Form Fields Required Not Required

This example shows how to make a form field required or not required.

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 * This example shows how to make a form field required or not required.
 * Our first example below changes the 'phone' field in the Donation Form
 * into a required field; our second example changes the 'first_name' and
 * 'last_name' fields in the Profile form to not required.
 * Most of the forms that are used on the frontend in Charitable
 * include filters to allow you to change whether a field is required.
 * Below, we list out each form along with the hook you should use
 * to alter it, and the list of fields that are in that form by default:
 * - Registration form: charitable_user_registration_fields
 * --- 'user_email'
 * --- 'user_login'
 * --- 'user_pass'
 * - Profile form (user section): charitable_user_fields
 * --- 'first_name'
 * --- 'last_name'
 * --- 'user_email'
 * --- 'organisation'
 * --- 'description'
 * - Profile form (address section): charitable_user_address_fields
 * --- 'address'
 * --- 'address_2'
 * --- 'city'
 * --- 'state'
 * --- 'postcode'
 * --- 'country'
 * --- 'phone'
 * - Profile form (social section): charitable_user_social_fields
 * --- 'user_url'
 * --- 'twitter'
 * --- 'facebook'
 * - Donation form (user section): charitable_donation_form_user_fields
 * --- 'first_name'
 * --- 'last_name'
 * --- 'email'
 * --- 'address'
 * --- 'address_2'
 * --- 'city'
 * --- 'state'
 * --- 'postcode'
 * --- 'country'
 * --- 'phone'
 * - Donation form (donation amount section): charitable_donation_form_donation_fields
 * --- 'donation_amount'
 * - Campaign form (campaign section): charitable_campaign_submission_campaign_fields
 * --- 'post_title'
 * --- 'description'
 * --- 'goal'
 * --- 'length'
 * --- 'post_content'
 * --- 'image'
 * --- 'campaign_category'
 * --- 'campaign_tag'
 * - Campaign form (donation options section): charitable_campaign_submission_donation_options_fields
 * --- 'donation_options'
 * --- 'suggested_donations'
 * --- 'allow_custom_donations'
 * - Campaign form (user section): charitable_campaign_submission_user_fields
 * --- 'first_name'
 * --- 'last_name'
 * --- 'user_email'
 * --- 'city'
 * --- 'state'
 * --- 'country'
 * --- 'user_description'
 * --- 'organisation'
 * Make the 'phone' field required in the Donation Form.
 * @param   array $fields All of the fields to be displayed in the form.
 * @return  array
function ed_charitable_make_donation_form_field_required( $fields ) {
    $fields['phone']['required'] = true; // Change to false to make it not required.
    return $fields;
add_filter( 'charitable_donation_form_user_fields', 'ed_charitable_make_donation_form_field_required' );
 * Make the 'first_name' and 'last_name' fields not required in the
 * Profile Form.
 * @param   array $fields All of the fields to be displayed in the form.
 * @return  array
function ed_charitable_make_profile_form_field_not_required( $fields ) {
    $fields['first_name']['required'] = false;
    $fields['last_name']['required'] = false;
    return $fields;
add_filter( 'charitable_user_fields', 'ed_charitable_make_profile_form_field_not_required' );


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