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Send Donation Notification For Pending Offline Donations

Sends a notification to admin if the donation is pending AND it was made in offline mode.

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 * Right after a donation is made, this sends a notification to admin if 
 * the donation is pending AND it was made in offline mode.
 * @param   int $donation_id
 * @return  boolean
function en_send_donation_notification_for_pending_offline( $donation_id ) {
    /* Verify that the email is enabled. */
    if ( ! charitable_get_helper( 'emails' )->is_enabled_email( Charitable_Email_New_Donation::get_email_id() ) ) {
        return false;
    /* If the donation is not pending, stop here. */
    if ( 'charitable-pending' != get_post_status( $donation_id ) ) {
        return false;
    /* If the donation was not made with the offline payment option, stop here. */
    if ( 'offline' != get_post_meta( $donation_id, 'donation_gateway', true ) ) {
        return false;
    /* All three of those checks passed, so proceed with sending the email. */
    $email = new Charitable_Email_New_Donation( array( 
        'donation' => new Charitable_Donation( $donation_id ) 
    ) );
    /* Don't resend the email. */
    if ( $email->is_sent_already( $donation_id ) ) {
        return false;
    $sent = $email->send();
    /* Log that the email was sent. */
    if ( apply_filters( 'charitable_log_email_send', true, Charitable_Email_New_Donation::get_email_id(), $email ) ) {
        $email->log( $donation_id, $sent );
    return true;
add_action( 'charitable_after_save_donation', 'en_send_donation_notification_for_pending_offline' );


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