120 Snippets
50+ Favourites

Add Translated Version Sitemap Entries for a Specific Term

This filter can be used to add Translated Version Sitemap Entries for a Specific Term. You…


Prevent Canonical URL tag output on Posts

This snippet can be used to prevent AIOSEO from outputting the Canonical URL tag on posts


Allow Users Without Editing Permissions to Edit Their Author SEO Details

This filter can be used to allow users that don’t have editing permissions to edit their…


Hide AlOSEO version number from the front end

This filter can be used to publicly hide the All in One SEO version number.


Dynamically Change the SEO title of a Specific Post when the Metadata is Loaded

This filter can be used to dynamically change the SEO title of a specific post when…


Change Business Info Phone Icon

This filter can be used to change the business info phone icon. Replace "/assets/images/email-icon.png" with the…


Change OG Title of a Specific Post

This filter can be used to change the OG Title of a Specific Post with ID…


Remove article:published_time and article:modified_time meta tags from all posts

This filter can be used to remove article:published_time and article:modified_time meta tags from all posts


Hide Author SEO Tab From User Profile Page

This filter can be used to Hide Author SEO Tab From User Profile Page


Remove the crumb for the ‘uncategorized’ category

This snippet can be used to remove the crumb for the ‘uncategorized’ category


Change Business Info Location Icon

This filter can be used to change the business info location icon. Replace "/assets/images/email-icon.png" with the…


Dynamically Change the SEO title of a Specific Term when the Metadata is Loaded

This filter can be used to dynamically change the SEO title of a specific term when…

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