Easy Digital Downloads is the Best Digital eCommerce Plugin for WordPress.
Join 50,000+ smart business owners who use Easy Digital Downloads to easily manage their store and sell everything from eBooks, to WordPress Plugins, PDF Documents, and more. No code required.
Reverse variable pricing
Great for when you've added variable prices lowest to highest but want to show highest to…
Add Payment ID to Sales API
If sequential order numbers are on, those numbers are returned in the sales API instead of…
Add User to RCP Subscription on Purchase
Add customer to an RCP subscription level when they purchase a specific product.
Hide social login from checkout
Good for when you are using it elsewhere on your website and do not want it…
Expire pass when counter used up
This plugin makes All Access passes expire at the moment their download counter is used up.
Disable EDD Software Licensing Activation/Deactivation Logs
By default, when a license is activated or deactivated EDD Software Licensing adds a log entry…
Limit Purchase Total
Sets a purchase amount and prevents customers from purchasing more than that amount at one time.
Weighted download count
This plugin makes it so that certain products use up more downloads in the download counter…