11 Snippets
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On Add to Cart Event in WooCommerce

Adds the cancellation event to stop the Browse Abandonment campaign for your push subscribers in the…

On Browsing WooCommerce Products

This snippet targets window shoppers and encourages them to add more products to their carts. This…

After Checkout Event In WooCommerce

This would stop sending cart abandonment campaigns to your push subscribers in the WooCommerce store as…

Goal Tracking Pixel

This pixel tracks the unit conversions and revenue across all your push campaigns. This helps you…

On Add to Cart Event in EDD

Adds the cancellation event to stop the Browse Abandonment campaign for your push subscribers. This also…

Add Subscriber to Segment

This snippet helps you add the push subscriber to the segment as per the action defined.

Add Subscriber to Segment with Duration

Adds the subscriber to the segment for a specific duration, after the defined number of days…

Remove Subscriber from Segment

This snippet helps remove a push subscriber from a segment on the defined event.

Add Profile ID to Subscriber

You can assign any CRM ID or your database ID to your push subscriber and then…

On Browsing EDD Products

This snippet targets window shoppers and encourages them to add more products to their carts. This…

After Checkout Event in EDD

This snippet would stop sending cart abandonment campaigns to your push subscribers as the purchase goal…