
WPCode makes it easy and safe to add custom WordPress features through code snippets, 
so you can reduce the number of plugins on your site.

114 Snippets
2.0k Favourites

Add duplicate link to admin bar menu

Extend the WPCode duplicate snippet (https://library.wpcode.com/snippet/7oqnzxow/) with an admin bar menu item. The duplicate snippet needs…


Add data-no-optimize to all JS snippets

This snippet filters the output of all the WPCode JavaScript snippets to add the data-no-optimize parameter…


Logout URL

This snippet creates a simple logout URL link that you can use as a shortcode.


WPCode Admin Number of Snippets

Change the number of snippets displayed in the admin list using a filter.


Change TikTok purchase Event

When using the WPCode Conversion Pixels addon the event name used when a purchase is completed…


Change TikTok purchase Event

When using the WPCode Conversion Pixels addon the event name used when a purchase is completed…

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