WPCode makes it easy and safe to add custom WordPress features through code snippets, so you can reduce the number of plugins on your site.
Prevent Copy Paste
This JavaScript snippet prevents right-click and copy events on the frontend
Heartbeat Setting
Add a setting that allows you to configure the heartbeat interval.
Copy Button for Code Blocks
Add a button to easily copy to clipboard for code blocks.
Disable Template Editor
Disable access to modify or create templates from the Post Editor.
Change Editor Default Image Size
Set the default image size to full instead of large in the block editor.
Prevent Loading Translations
If your site is using en_US reduce the memory used for translation calls.
WPCode Add New Snippet Skip Library Screen
This snippet enables you to skip the snippet library screen when adding a new snippet in…
Move WPCode Status Column
This snippet makes the status column the 2nd column in the admin list of snippets.
Add WPCode Custom Field Smart Tag
Add a custom smart tag for the WPCode scripts metabox that outputs the value of a…