20 Snippets
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Move Jump to Recipe above featured image in Genesis

/** * Ensures the "Jump to Recipe" button is added above the featured image. */ add_action(…


Leave Tasty recipe ratings with WP-PostRatings

The Tasty Recipes rating system works with the default WordPress comment form. However, if you use…


Hide nutrition facts for Tasty Recipes printing

Prevent nutritional information from being displayed in the Tasty Recipes print view


Add a “Rate this recipe” Tasty Recipes quick link

After applying this snippet, your new quick link should appear at the top of the recipe…


Change Jump links to buttons

Make the "jump to recipe" and "print recipe" links look like buttons at the top of…


Move Jump to Recipe above featured image

/** * Ensures the "Jump to Recipe" button is added to the content really late. */…


Tasty Pins - Remove the Pin button for an image by URL

Easily exclude images from having this pin it button using the image url by javascript snippet:


Tasty Roundups - Change Heading from h2 to h3

Change all your Tasty Roundup headings from h2 tags to h3 tags


Prevent Tasty Links inside Tasty Recipes

Prefer to keep your recipe cards clear of automatic links from your Tasty Links keywords? No…


Change rating tooltip colors

Use this CSS to change the default colors for the rating tooltip.


Tasty Recipes - Change star rating size and spacing

Use this code example to change the star rating size and spacing inside the recipe card


Changes the default recipe author name in Tasty Recipes

Replace 'Your New Default Author Name' inside the quotes with your preferred Author Name and then…

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