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License Keys UL – Email Tag for Software Licensing

Adds an email template tag called {license_keys_ul} which can be used to output an unordered list of the customer's purchased license keys.

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if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) )
function my_custom_sl_emails_initialize(){
	if ( class_exists( 'EDD_SL_Emails' ) ) {
		edd_add_email_tag( 'license_keys_ul', __( 'Show all purchased licenses in an unordered list', 'edd_sl' ), 'my_custom_license_keys_ul_tag' );	
add_action( 'init', 'my_custom_sl_emails_initialize' );
function my_custom_license_keys_ul_tag( $payment_id = 0 ) {
	$keys_output  = '<ul>';
	$license_keys = edd_software_licensing()->get_licenses_of_purchase( $payment_id );
	if( $license_keys ) {
		foreach( $license_keys as $key ) {
			$price_name  = '';
			$download_id = edd_software_licensing()->get_download_id( $key->ID );
			$price_id    = edd_software_licensing()->get_price_id( $key->ID );
			if( $price_id ) {
				$price_name = " - " . edd_get_price_option_name( $download_id, $price_id );
			$keys_output .=  '<li>' . get_the_title( $download_id ) . $price_name . ": " . get_post_meta( $key->ID, '_edd_sl_key', true ) . '</li>';
	$keys_output .= '</ul>';
	return $keys_output;


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