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Collect National Id Number
Add a field that collects the donor's national ID number, or any other text field.
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Throwing syntax error
I am using this code but did not any changes on donation form. Even I tried other code also still no changes. Need help
We’ve tested this snippet. Please check to ensure this is being properly escaped:
‘description’ => __( ‘The donor\’s national ID number’ , ‘charitable’ ),
Make sure the \’s exists. The comma needs to be escaped, or remove it completely to test.
If there are no changes on the donation form, make sure that the code is enabled and active showing no errors in WPCode. And that the code is being activated/run everywhere.
Here’s a screenshot confirming it is showing up in the latest (at the time of this writing) version of Charitable (
Also you may need to ensure the “Only show required fields” setting (Charitable general settings) is set to “No” especially if the custom field you are adding is not required.