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Add deliveryTime schema to shippingDetails schema

This snippet adds deliveryTime schema to shippingDetails schema that's present inside the Product > Offers schema

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add_filter( 'aioseo_schema_output', function ( $schema ) {
    foreach ( $schema as &$schemaItem ) {
        if ( isset( $schemaItem['@type'] ) && 'Product' === $schemaItem['@type'] ) {
				// Loop inside the Offers > shippingDetails schema
				foreach( $schemaItem["offers"]["shippingDetails"] as &$schemaItemChild ){
				// Check for OfferShippingDetails schema where we need to add the deliveryTime schema
				if( isset( $schemaItemChild['@type'] ) && 'OfferShippingDetails' === $schemaItemChild['@type'] ){
					// Adding the deliveryTime schema
					$schemaItemChild["deliveryTime"] = [
						"@type" => "ShippingDeliveryTime",
						"handlingTime" => [
							"@type" => "QuantitativeValue",
							"minValue" => 1,
							"maxValue" => 2,
							"unitCode" => "d"
						"transitTime" => [
							"@type" => "QuantitativeValue",
							"minValue" => 1,
							"maxValue" => 3,
							"unitCode" => "d"
    return $schema;
}, 10, 2 );


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