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Customize Donation Stats

Customize the stats that are shown in the Donation Stats widget.

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 * Customize the stats that are shown in the Donation Stats widget.
 * In this example, we only show the stats specific to a particular category.
 * @param  array $donation_stats The default stats to show.
 * @return array
function ed_charitable_customize_donation_stats( $donation_stats ) {
	// First, we get all campaigns in the Advocacy category.
	$campaigns = Charitable_Campaigns::query( array(
		'posts_per_page' => -1,
		'fields'         => 'ids',
		'tax_query'      => array(
				'taxonomy' => 'campaign_category',
				'field'    => 'slug',
				'term'     => 'advocacy',
	) );
	$report = new Charitable_Donation_Report( array(
		'report_type' => 'all',
		'campaigns'   => $campaigns->posts,
	) );
	$donation_stats['campaign_count']['amount'] = $campaigns->found_posts;
	$donation_stats['donated']['amount']        = $report->get_report( 'amount' );
	$donation_stats['donor_count']['amount']    = $report->get_report( 'donors' );
	// You can also add the number of donations made:
	// $donation_stats['donation_count'] = array(
	// 	'amount'      => $report->get_report( 'donations' ),
	// 	'description' => 'Donations',
	// );
	// To remove a particular stat, use unset(), like this:
	// unset( $donations_stats['campaign_count'] );
	return $donation_stats;
add_filter( 'charitable_donation_stats', 'ed_charitable_customize_donation_stats' );


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