WPForms: new smart tag – Current Unix Time

// Register the smart tag. add_filter( ‘wpforms_smart_tags’, static function( $tags ) { // Key is the tag, value is the tag name. $tags[‘current_unix_time’] = ‘Current Unix Time’; return $tags; } ); // Replace its value on form render on front-end.…Continue reading

WPForms: new smart tag – Current Date/Time

// Register the smart tag. add_filter( ‘wpforms_smart_tags’, static function( $tags ) { // Key is the tag, value is the tag name. $tags[‘current_time’] = ‘Current Date/Time’; return $tags; } ); // Replace its value on form render on front-end. add_filter(…Continue reading

WPForms: hide certain sections on a single entry page: notes, log, debug, meta, payment, actions, related, geolocation.

// Main content area. add_action( ‘wpforms_entry_details_content’, static function ( $entry, $form_data, $single_entry ) { $hook_name = ‘wpforms_entry_details_content’; remove_action( $hook_name, [ $single_entry, ‘details_fields’ ], 10 ); remove_action( $hook_name, [ $single_entry, ‘details_notes’ ], 10 ); remove_action( $hook_name, [ $single_entry, ‘details_log’ ], 40…Continue reading