/** * WPForms Add new address field scheme (Canada) * * @link https://wpforms.com/developers/create-additional-schemes-for-the-address-field/ * * For support, please visit: https://www.facebook.com/groups/wpformsvip */ function wpf_dev_new_address_scheme( $schemes ) { $schemes[ ‘canada’ ] = array( ‘label’ => ‘Canada’, ‘address1_label’ => ‘Address Line 1’, ‘address2_label’…Continue reading
/** * @link https://library.wpcode.com/snippet/924r645g/ */ add_filter( ‘simpay_get_customer_args_from_payment_form_request’, /** * @param array $customer_args Arguments for Customer. * @param \SimplePay\Core\Abstracts\Form $form Form instance. * @param array $deprecated Empty array. * @param array $form_values Values of named fields in the payment form. *…Continue reading
add_filter( ‘wpcode_snippet_output_js’, function( $code ) { $code = str_replace( ‘’, ”, $code ); return $code; });Continue reading
function mpcs_author_custom_bio_shortcode( $atts ) { if( !isset( $atts[‘slug’] ) || empty( $atts[‘slug’] ) ) { return; } global $post; $field = get_user_meta( $post->post_author, $atts[‘slug’], true ); if( empty( $field ) ) { return; } return ‘ ‘ . sanitize_text_field( $field…Continue reading
function mpcs_author_bio_shortcode() { return nl2br( get_the_author_meta( ‘description’ ) ); }; add_shortcode( ‘mpcs-author-bio’, ‘mpcs_author_bio_shortcode’ );Continue reading