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Set Maximum Donation Amount

Set the maximum donation amount required.

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 * Set the maximum donation amount required.
 * This function is called when the donation amount is validated, so it needs
 * to return either true or false.
function ed_set_maximum_donation_amount( $valid, Charitable_Donation_Form_Interface $donation_form ) {
    /* Replace 5000 with your maximum donation amount. */
    $maximum = 5000;
    if ( $donation_form::get_donation_amount() > $maximum ) {
        charitable_get_notices()->add_error( sprintf(
            __( 'We cannot accept donations of more than %s.', 'charitable' ),
            charitable_format_money( $maximum )
        ) );
        $valid = false;
    return $valid;
add_filter( 'charitable_validate_donation_form_submission_amount_check', 'ed_set_maximum_donation_amount', 10, 2 );


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