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Set Campaign Thumbnail Size

Set campaign thumbnails to have the same size.

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 * If you want all campaign thumbnails to have the same size, you can use the
 * snippet below. Note that images will be hard-cropped, so part of the image
 * may be cropped out.
 * If you have already upload photos to your site, adding the script below
 * will not automatically work. You may also need to regenerate all the thumbnails
 * for the images on your site. For that, use the following plugin:
 * https://wordpress.org/plugins/regenerate-thumbnails/
 * Register the new image size.
 * @see     https://developer.wordpress.org/reference/functions/add_image_size/
function ed_charitable_add_campaign_image_size() {
        'campaign-thumbnail', // name
        300, // width
        300, // height
        true // crop
add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'ed_charitable_add_campaign_image_size' );
 * Set the campaign loop to use the 'campaign-thumbnail' image size we registered.
 * @param   string $size
 * @return  string
function ed_charitable_set_campaign_loop_image_size( $size ) {
    return 'campaign-thumbnail';
add_filter( 'charitable_campaign_loop_thumbnail_size', 'ed_charitable_set_campaign_loop_image_size' );


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