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Change Schema Type of All Posts in Specific Categories

This snippet changes the 'NewsArticle' schema of all posts under specific categories to 'Article' schema.

1. Please replace 'category1-slug', 'category2-slug', and 'category3-slug' with the actual slugs of the categories.
2. You can add more categories by adding a comma-separated value in the $target_category_slugs array.

Code Preview
add_filter('aioseo_schema_output', 'change_schema_type_in_specific_categories');
function change_schema_type_in_specific_categories($schema) {
    // Specify the category slugs you want to target
    $target_category_slugs = array('category1-slug', 'category2-slug', 'category3-slug');
    foreach ($schema as &$schemaItem) {
        // Check if the post belongs to any of the specified categories
        if (isset($schemaItem['@type']) && 'NewsArticle' === $schemaItem['@type'] && has_category($target_category_slugs)) {
            $schemaItem['@type'] = 'Article';
    return $schema;


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