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Set Custom Redirection After Registration

Send the user to a custom page after they have registered.

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 * Send the user to a custom page after they have registered.
 * @param   array[] $fields
 * @return  array[] $fields
function en_set_custom_redirection_after_registration( $fields ) {
    if ( ! isset( $_GET[ 'redirect_to' ] ) ) {
        $fields[ 'redirect_to' ] = array(
            'type' => 'hidden', 
            'priority' => 2,
            'value' => 'http://your-custom-url.com/' // This should be the URL you want the user to be redirected to.
    return $fields;
add_filter( 'charitable_user_registration_fields', 'en_set_custom_redirection_after_registration' );


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