Checkout Cart Thumbnail Size

function edd_custom_change_checkout_thumb_image_size( $dimensions ) { $dimensions = array( 60, 60 ); // array( width, height ) in pixels return $dimensions; } add_filter( ‘edd_checkout_image_size’, ‘edd_custom_change_checkout_thumb_image_size’ );Continue reading

Remove Discount Field

function pw_edd_remove_discount_field() { remove_action( ‘edd_checkout_form_top’, ‘edd_discount_field’, -1 ); } add_action( ‘init’, ‘pw_edd_remove_discount_field’ );Continue reading

Non-required Card State

function pw_edd_remove_state_from_required_fields( $fields ) { if( array_key_exists( ‘card_state’, $fields ) ) { unset( $fields[‘card_state’] ); } return $fields; } add_filter( ‘edd_purchase_form_required_fields’, ‘pw_edd_remove_state_from_required_fields’ );Continue reading

Force account creation by category or tag

function sumobi_edd_force_account_creation_by_download_category_or_tag( $ret ) { // download categories that the download must belong to before account creation is forced $categories_to_search = array( ‘cat1’, ‘cat2’, ‘cat3’ ); // download tags that the download must belong to before account creation is forced…Continue reading

Prevent Duplicate Cart Items

function pw_edd_prevent_duplicate_cart_items( $download_id, $options ) { if( edd_item_in_cart( $download_id, $options ) ) { if( edd_is_ajax_enabled() && defined(‘DOING_AJAX’) && DOING_AJAX ) { die(‘1’); } else { wp_redirect( edd_get_checkout_uri() ); exit; } } } add_action( ‘edd_pre_add_to_cart’, ‘pw_edd_prevent_duplicate_cart_items’, 10, 2 );Continue reading

Hide Payment Icons When Free

function sumobi_edd_hide_payment_icons() { $cart_total = edd_get_cart_total(); if ( $cart_total ) return; remove_action( ‘edd_payment_mode_top’, ‘edd_show_payment_icons’ ); remove_action( ‘edd_checkout_form_top’, ‘edd_show_payment_icons’ ); } add_action( ‘template_redirect’, ‘sumobi_edd_hide_payment_icons’ );Continue reading

Force Billing Address

/** * Always force the billing address to show at checkout. */ function prefix_edd_force_billing_address() { // If the cart already needs tax address fields, don’t force the billing address. if ( edd_cart_needs_tax_address_fields() ) { return; } if ( ! did_action(…Continue reading

Send Sale Alerts From Customer Email

class EDD_SAFCE { public function __construct() { add_action( ‘edd_admin_sale_notice’, array( $this, ‘set_payment_id’ ), -1000, 2 ); add_action( ‘edd_email_send_before’, array( $this, ‘set_from_address’ ) ); } public function set_payment_id( $payment_id, $payment_data ) { global $edd_payment_id; $edd_payment_id = $payment_id; } public function set_from_address(…Continue reading