/** * Change the payment field value based on user role and early-bird date. * * @param array $properties The field properties. * @param array $field The field settings. * @param array $form_data The form data. * * @return array…Continue reading
/** * Change the payment field value based on user role. * * @param array $properties The field properties. * @param array $field The field settings. * @param array $form_data The form data. * * @return array */ add_filter( ‘wpforms_field_properties’,…Continue reading
add_filter( ‘wpforms_field_properties’, ‘custom_address_state_optional’, 10, 3 ); function custom_address_state_optional( $properties, $field, $form_data ) { // Check if the field is an Address field. if ( ‘address’ === $field[‘type’] ) { // Set the ‘required’ property of the ‘state’ subfield to false.…Continue reading
add_filter(‘manage_page_posts_columns’, ‘my_custom_column’, 10); add_action(‘manage_page_posts_custom_column’, ‘add_my_custom_column’, 10, 2); function my_custom_column($defaults) { $defaults[‘url’] = ‘URL’; return $defaults; } function add_my_custom_column($column_name, $post_id) { if ($column_name == ‘url’) { $siteURL=get_site_url($post_id); $link= get_permalink( $post_id ); echo str_replace($siteURL,””,$link); } }Continue reading
$themecolors = get_option(‘cornerstone_color_items’); if($themecolors) { $css = ‘ ‘; function colors_css() { global $css; echo $css; } add_action(‘wp_head’, ‘colors_css’); }Continue reading