Category: Admin
Untitled Snippet
Changing Multiple Properties on Store Credit Accordion Checkout Page
add_filter( ‘acfw_funnelkit_store_credit_field_labels’, function( $labels ) { $labels[‘toggle_text’] = ‘Apply Store Credit’; $labels[‘placeholder’] = ‘Enter your store credit code’; $labels[‘balance_text’] = ‘%s Your Available Credit:’; $labels[‘instructions’] = ‘Use your store credit to get discounts on your purchase.’; return $labels; });Continue reading
Customize Store Credit Accordion on Checkout Page
add_filter( ‘acfw_funnelkit_store_credit_field_labels’, function( $labels ) { $labels[‘toggle_text’] = ‘Custom Accordion Title’; return $labels; });Continue reading
Change “Email” On Donation Form
add_filter( ‘charitable_default_donation_fields’, ‘charitable_change_default_donation_fields’, 10, 1); function charitable_change_default_donation_fields( $defaults ) { $defaults[’email’][‘donation_form’][‘label’] = ‘Please Provide Email’; return $defaults; }Continue reading
Untitled Snippet
Dynamic Year Copyright Shortcode
// Copy the Shortcode in the Insertion box below and paste it wherever you want the copyright symbol + year to be displayed. // This will output © 2023 or the current year automatically. echo “© ” . date( ‘Y’…Continue reading
Enable Pinch to Zoom on Mobile Devices
function remove_my_action() { remove_action(‘wp_head’, ‘et_add_viewport_meta’); } function dt_et_add_viewport_meta(){ echo ‘‘; } add_action( ‘init’, ‘remove_my_action’); add_action( ‘wp_head’, ‘dt_et_add_viewport_meta’ );Continue reading