function custom_woo_ce_order_fields( $fields ) { $fields[] = array( ‘name’ => ‘order_items_static’, ‘label’ => __( ‘Order Items: Static Field’, ‘woo_ce’ ), ‘hover’ => __( ‘Custom Field within functions.php’, ‘woo_ce’ ) ); return $fields; } add_filter( ‘woo_ce_order_fields’, ‘custom_woo_ce_order_fields’ ); function custom_woo_ce_extend_order_item( $order_item…Continue reading
function custom_woo_ce_wc_price_decimal_sep( $output ) { // Change the decimal separator to be . (dot) $output = ‘.’; return $output; } add_filter( ‘woo_ce_wc_price_decimal_sep’, ‘custom_woo_ce_wc_price_decimal_sep’ ); function custom_woo_ce_wc_price_thousands_sep( $output ) { // Change the thousand separator to be , (comma) $output =…Continue reading
/* Plugin Name: WooCommerce – Store Exporter Deluxe (Custom Add-on) Plugin URI: Description: Custom Add-on Plugin for Store Exporter Deluxe Version: 1.0 Author: Visser Labs Author URI: Text Domain: woocommerce-exporter License: GPL2 Text Domain: woocommerce-exporter Domain Path: /languages/…Continue reading
function custom_woo_pd_is_valid_product_type( $output, $product_type ) { // All strings are sanitized and in lowercase case without spacing // Set all Product Type values of “Variabile” to “Variable” if( $product_type == ‘variabile’ ) $output = ‘variable’; // Set all Product Type…Continue reading
function custom_woo_ce_force_refresh_epo_export_fields() { delete_transient( WOO_CD_PREFIX . ‘_extra_product_option_fields’ ); } add_action( ‘admin_init’, ‘custom_woo_ce_force_refresh_epo_export_fields’ );Continue reading
// Conditionally display a persistent notice on the Single Product screen function custom_woocommerce_before_main_content() { // Check that we are on the Single Product screen if( !is_product() ) return; $text = ‘Hi there, if you have any questions get in touch!’;…Continue reading
// Send a notification to Domoticz when a new Order is processing/completed function custom_woocommerce_order_status_completed_notification( $order_id = 0 ) { // Bail out if no Order ID has been provided if( empty( $order_id ) ) return; // Bail out if it’s…Continue reading
// Force WooCommerce to believe that the downloadable file exists add_filter( ‘woocommerce_downloadable_file_exists’, ‘__return_true’ ); // Intercept the downloadable file as it is being returned to the customer and return something else function custom_override_product_file_download_path( $file_path, $object, $download_id ) { // Fetch…Continue reading
// Clear the Akismet logs hourly function custom_akismet_schedule_hourly_cron() { // Use wp_next_scheduled to check if the event is already scheduled $timestamp = wp_next_scheduled( ‘custom_akismet_hourly_cron’ ); //If $timestamp == false schedule daily backups since it hasn’t been done previously if( $timestamp…Continue reading
// Conditionally display a persistent notice on the My Account screen function custom_woocommerce_before_my_account() { // Get all the Orders associated with this User $args = array( ‘numberposts’ => -1, ‘meta_key’ => ‘_customer_user’, ‘meta_value’ => get_current_user_id(), ‘post_type’ => wc_get_order_types(), ‘post_status’ =>…Continue reading