add_filter( ‘edd_user_registration_email_login_url’, ‘eddcustom_modify_user_login_url’ ); /** * Modifies the login URL for the default user registration email. * * @return string */ function eddcustom_modify_user_login_url() { return ‘’; }Continue reading
<a href="”>LogoutContinue reading
(function(w,d,e,u,f,l,n){w[f]=w[f]||function(){(w[f].q=w[f].q||[]) .push(arguments);},l=d.createElement(e),l.async=1,l.src=u, n=d.getElementsByTagName(e)[0],n.parentNode.insertBefore(l,n);}) (window,document,’script’,’’,’ml’); ml(‘account’, ‘307601’);Continue reading
add_action( ‘login_enqueue_scripts’, ‘cmx65_login’ ); function cmx65_login() { $login = array( ‘color’ => ‘#15adcb’, ‘focus’ => ‘#8d44ac’, ); ?> .language-switcher, .privacy-policy-page-link { display:none; } .forgetmenot { position:relative; top:5px; } .login #nav { text-align:right; } .login form, #loginform { position: relative; margin-left:…Continue reading
add_filter( ‘login_head’, function () { // Update the line below with the URL to your own logo. // Adjust the Width & Height accordingly. $custom_logo = ‘’; $logo_width = 84; $logo_height = 84; printf( ‘.login h1 a {background-image:url(%1$s) !important; margin:0…Continue reading
add_filter( ‘login_head’, function () { // Update the line below with the URL to your own logo. // Adjust the Width & Height accordingly. $custom_logo = ‘’; $logo_width = 84; $logo_height = 84; printf( ‘ ‘, $custom_logo, $logo_width, $logo_height );…Continue reading