Quiz Button

(function(w, d, s, o){ var j = d.createElement(s); j.async = true; j.src = ‘//script.marquiz.io/v2.js’;j.onload = function() { if (document.readyState !== ‘loading’) Marquiz.init(o); else document.addEventListener(“DOMContentLoaded”, function() { Marquiz.init(o); }); }; d.head.insertBefore(j, d.head.firstElementChild); })(window, document, ‘script’, { host: ‘//quiz.marquiz.io’, region: ‘us’, id:…Continue reading

Change rating tooltip colors

/* change #000 in both places below to change the background, change #FFF to change the text color, change #F7D578 to change the link color */ .tasty-recipes-static-tooltip { background-color:#000 !important; color:#FFF !important; } .tasty-recipes-static-tooltip:after { border-top-color:#000 !important; } a.tasty-recipes-scrollto {…Continue reading

Remove unused JS // functions.php

function remove_unused_js() { // Globale Variable für die wp_enqueue_scripts-Aktion global $wp_scripts; // Array mit Dateinamen ungenutzter JS-Dateien $unused_js = array( ‘jquery-migrate.min.js’, // Beispiel ); // Durchlaufen aller registrierten Skripte foreach ( $wp_scripts->registered as $handle => $script ) { // Wenn…Continue reading

Untitled Snippet

function decodeSerial() { let serial = document.getElementById(“serialNumberInput”).value; let vserial = serial.replace(/\s/g, ”); let vserialtype = “”; let vyear = “”; let vmonth = “”; let vampmonth = “”; let vtype = “”; let vstyle = “”; let vweek = “”;…Continue reading

CSS [Post Category]: Vendor Credit List Styles

/* This code snippet is used to style the ‘Vendor Credit’ section located below the posts. It applies to the following category pages: – Real Engagements – Real Weddings – Real Proposals – Honeymoons – Inspiration Shoots */ .vendor-credits-container {…Continue reading