Custom Social Share Email Subject
If you wish to modify the email subject text when clicking the social share email icon…
Basic WP escaping functions
// ❌ Don't use _e(), __(), _x() etc. to output data // ✅ Use the escaped…
Filter the message generated for admin confirmation | Quick Event Manager
add_filter('qem_registration_email_message',,,3); This filters allows you to adjust the confirmation email to the admin / organiser (…
Tweaking the Calendar Language Localisation | Display Eventbrite Events
The calendar will attempt to localize the language based on the WordPress website setting. However, the…
pixel 1
facebook pixel
Make Paypal as default payment gateway
This snippet will remove all other vendor payment commision methods. Only allowing Paypal, it also makes…
Untitled Snippet
[wpcode id="4547"]
Allow Other WordPress Roles to View Email Logs
This snippet will allow you to manage the capabilities of roles allowed to view the site's…
Defining Other SMTP Constants
This snippet will prevent users from changing WP Mail SMTP settings in your WordPress admin area…
Gravity Forms Auto-populate Date
The purpose of this snippet is to calculate a date 90 days from today. That serves…