Search results for: header

Set a Custom Email Header

This snippet sets custom email headers to ensure you can control specific behaviors of your sent…

Set a Custom Reply-To Email

This snippet will ensure all emails sent from your site have the same reply-to email address.…

Enable HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) in WordPress

The provided code snippet is a WordPress function that enables a WordPress site's HTTP Strict Transport…


Add Email Headers

Add headers to Charitable emails (for example CC/BCC headers).

Fix the InvalidInternetMessageHeader Error in Outlook

This snippet will modify specific headers in your emails, which can help resolve this ‘InvalidInternetMessageHeader’ error…

My Insert widget in header

My own way of Inserting widget in header

RT7 Official - Maintenance Mode

RT7 Official Maintenance Mode


Send Site Notifications to a BCC Address

This snippet will ensure all your site’s outgoing emails are also sent to a specific BCC…

Change Section Headers Per Campaign

Change the section headers in the donation form.

WPForms: add BCC email header to notification emails

Check the snippet code to apply to all/some form only, plus you will need to modify…

Sticky header

/*Sticky header*/ #site-header { position: fixed; top:0; opacity: 0.98; } #main { margin-top: 70px !important; /*…

Remove the Page Title from the Page Header

The following code can be used to remove the title from the page header title area…

Pre-approval Emails

Email the admin and customer when a pre-approval payment has been made.

Change Section Headers

Change the section headers in the donation form.

Make "Follow on TikTok" Button Larger and Full Width.

This will make the "Follow on TikTok" button in the header span the whole width of…

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