Search results for: header

Set Header Menu as "Custom"

If you are using a custom menu plugin for your header menu you can define your…

ai content idea generator

function openai_generate_text() { // Get the topic from the AJAX request $prompt = $_POST['prompt']; $prompt ="generate…

Override Header Logo with Custom SVG

While you can select an SVG image from the customizer for your header logo if you…

Move WooCommerce Category Description Below Products

The following snippet moves the WooCommerce description from the default location (page header subheading) to below…

File Size Display

After the download content, shows a list of the download files and their sizes

Remove address from the header

Remove address block from the header

Remove the Header Menu Underline on Hover

If you enable the Header menu underline it will display both on active items and on…

Disable Author Archives

Completely hide author archives and prevent direct access by returning a 404 page.


Supports sending an email with a Stripe Pre-Approved payment is submitted.

By default EDD only sends a purchase confirmation when an order is marked as completed, however…

Disable Author Archive

A small Code that disable the WordPress Author Archive and redirect to the Homepage

Override Commissions Email Template

Modify the email template sent for commissions

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