Set a Custom Email Header

This snippet sets custom email headers to ensure you can control specific behaviors of your sent…

Display both published and modified date

‹?php // Code from function codewp_display_dates( $content ) { if(get_post_type() != 'post') { return $content;…


'use client'; import { usePathname } from 'next/navigation'; import { useEffect, useState } from 'react'; export…


// Show the Yes/No view om{{id}}.changeView('yesno'); // Show the Optin view om{{id}}.changeView('optin'); // Show the Success…

And the Javascript to turn your HTML link into a MonsterLink v2

jQuery(document).ready(function($) { $('a[class*="campaign"]').addClass("manual-optin-trigger"); $('a[class*="campaign"]').attr("data-optin-slug", "pm6fnflhiocj7cge"); });

RSA Group GTM Head Tag

Add GTM Tag to Site Header on RSA Site Group

Colin Bunn PRO

Set Default Donation Amount Per Campaign

Customize the default donation amount on a per campaign basis.

WPForms: new smart tag - Current Unix Time

Using wp_date() function to output a Unix time where the smart tag is used.

CWP - MailChimp RSS email ID

Adds MailChimp email ID to RSS feeds for better conversion tracking

Force account creation by cart total

Force account creation at checkout if the cart total is a certain amount and the quantity…

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