Untitled Snippet

Helen Cleary

Use Single Tenant With the Outlook Mailer

This snippet will set the Outlook API authorization and access token URLs to use your unique…

Back to Top Button (copy)

Add a simple button to scroll back to top on the frontend.

MemberPress: Export Account Type in CSV

Add the following code to add a new CSV export option for Corporate Accounts that includes…



Severen Henderson

Replace [year] with the current year

Type [year] anywhere that you want the current year to be inserted.

google verification

google verification code


import '@/app/ui/global.css'; import {RouteChangeListener} from '@/app/route-change-listener.tsx'; export default function RootLayout({ children, }: { children: React.ReactNode; })…


// Close the OptinMonster campaign om{{id}}.startClose();


html div#om-{{id}} { right: auto !important; margin-left: 20px !important; }

RSA GTM Body Tag

Add GTM Tag to Site Body in RSA Site Group

Colin Bunn PRO

Custom Heading above Qty (Woocommerce)

let qty = document.querySelector(".e-atc-qty-button-holder"); let text = ` How many card you’re planning to purchase? Choose…

Niyaz Poyilan

WPForms: add field description in notification HTML and plain text emails

With this snippet, you can add a field description in notification emails that are sent to…

TOC before first heading

Output the TOC block before the first heading in a post

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