Set a Custom Email Header

This snippet sets custom email headers to ensure you can control specific behaviors of your sent…

MemberPress: Export Account Type in CSV

Add the following code to add a new CSV export option for Corporate Accounts that includes…

Remove Order Notes in checkout page

/** * Snippet Name: Remove the Order Notes field section from the WooCommerce checkout. * Snippet…

WP Simple Pay: Copy Payment Metadata to Customer Metadata

Ensure the Stripe Customer metadata is the same as the Stripe Payment metadata.

Local Fundamentals

Start New Game Load Game Round: 1 Progress to Next Round Save Game Market Prices Nation…

Limit user posts

A settings page to set the number of posts all users can create


Auto convert photos to WEBP (jpg, png)

/** * Konwertuj przesłane obrazy na format WebP * * Ten fragment kodu automatycznie konwertuje przesłane…

Replace WordPress Logo on Login Page

Use your custom logo on the default login page, don't forget to edit the snippet...

Titel aanpassen archive page

function custom_category_title( $title ) { $title = str_replace( 'Archieven', 'Mijn gewenste titel', $title ); return $title;…

Book Review

Used to list book review recommendations

Valerie Hunter

Google adsense

To connect to Google AdSense

Disable Donations After Goal Is Reached

Disables donations to campaigns after they have reached their goal.

Remove Manage Sites

Removes the Manage Sites column from the licenses table on the customer purchase history page

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